Under the new direction of Nanna Hjortenberg, the fair received positive response for quality presentations, the expanded design fair, special installations and the extensive public programming. The 2018 edition closed with a significant increase in visitors and international presence.
Galleri Format Oslo. Photo by Joakim Züger
CHART Emerging. Photo by MARCUS BJØRN, Courtesy CHART ART FAIR
CHART closed on Sunday, 2 September with outstanding art and design presentations, 28,523 number of visitors, including a robust turnout of local and international collectors. Exhibitors and participating artists noted important presence of collectors, journalists and curators, which led to significant sales and institutional acquisitions. This reflected on the increased number of collectors and institutions, not only from the Nordic region, but also from other territories including Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and The United States.
Now in its sixth edition, 44 exhibiting galleries from the Nordic countries were invited to participate in the 2018 edition. The art fair section of CHART, featured outstanding 20th- and 21st-century artworks in a range of media presented by 32 leading Nordic galleries. The 2018 edition launched special presentations produced for the 2018 edition of the fair, and has an increased focus on solo and dual presentations. Notable presentations included: Galleria Heino, a new exhibitor, showed new works by Finland´s acclaimed photographer and video artist, Elina Brotherus; Galleri Magnus Karlsson presented new works on paper by Peter Köhler, made specifically for this year's edition; and Andersson/Sandström exhibiting large-scale works by Turner Prize-winning British sculptor, Tony Cragg.
"The visitor numbers for CHART has been rising year on year, but this is the first time we experience such an explosive increase in the number of guests. We have had guests from 22 different countries, visitors from 97 national and international cultural institutions and we see a very wide age range among our guests. I’m of course immensely proud and it is great to see, that we have succeeded in our ambition to be a meeting place for both the dedicated art professionals and a broader cultural audience." - Director, Nanna Hjortenberg
Read more on An0ther Magazine, Architectural Digest, artnet, Editor at Large, Corriere Della Sera: Living, Der Tagesspiegel, DesignBoom, Die Presse, Die Welt, Galerie Magazine, Il Sole 24 Ore, Monopol Magazin, Surface Magazine, Wallpaper,* Whitewall and more.